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What does color temperature mean?

Color temperature is a measure of the hue of a particular type of light, expressed in units of kelvins (K). It refers to the perceived warmth or coolness of a particular light source, with lower temperatures appearing more yellow or red and higher temperatures appearing more blue or white.

The color temperature of a light bulb is determined by the characteristics of the light-emitting material used in the bulb. Different types of light sources, such as incandescent, fluorescent, and LED bulbs, can produce light at different color temperatures.

Color temperature is often used to describe the appearance of white light, but it can also be used to describe the appearance of other colors. For example, a warm yellow light may be described as having a lower color temperature than a cool blue light.

In general, lower color temperatures are associated with a warm, cozy, and relaxing atmosphere, while higher color temperatures are associated with a brighter, more energetic, and stimulating atmosphere.

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